prototype productions - multimedia solutions
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My initial project concerning webdesign:
A multiplayer-clan's site having grown from static HTML-pages stored on mass-isp's webspace to dynamic pages partly powered by a sql-database and running its' own domain.
Actually I consider that site my own testing grounds where I can develop and evaluate new scripts, techniques and concepts. The site also contains an internal area featuring a special messageboard and calendar to improve clan-internal communication and support match coordination.
(site not launched yet)
The first e-commerce-project by myself so far:
A database-supported webshop featuring an electronical shopping cart (controlled by a session-management-system) and a product-search-engine. Despite of the delicate nature of the theme of implementing a virtual sexshop it was quite a good exercise to develop a highly customized shop-system though meeting the needs of common e-commerce applications. All scripst were especially written for this site and implemented using PHP3 and MySQL.
(Screenshot taken from not yet relaunched redesign)
Another multiplayer-related project:
This time not a single clan's site but a community-project. The intention was to create some kind of database storing information about multiplayer-clans and related sites worldwide and throughout the different existing games enabling the individual player to look for clans or leagues to join or simply to identify other players e.g. by their tag (usually their clan's initials).
Unfortunately this project remains unfinnished since I couldn't make the time to set up all necessary database-scripts (I redesigned the whole database several times) and front-end interfaces. Additionally I'm currently unable to provide a database-server powerful enough to bear the expected workload and ensure satisfying performance though.
Xcape - DVD Menu  
A short film resulting from a study project (see 'contact' also) dealing with the so called 'burnout-phenomena' a lot of people are suffering from nowadays.
Xcape was created 100% digitally using dv-cameras and dv-editing-suites for cut and post-production as well as visual effects such as blue-screen or picture-in-picture.
My main tasks besides working on the concept were audio-visual effects as well as music editing and last but not least authoring of the final DVD (the screenhot to the left was taken from the main menu).
Unique Solutions
A prototype of a corporate site for the fictitious company "UNIQUE SOLUTIONS". The prototype has been realized as part of a study project (interface- and interaction-design) using Flash MX (Flashplayer 6 is required).
Not all desired functions and elements could be implemented in time but at least the basic idea, namely imitating a well-known OS thus making navigation more intuitive for users that are familiar with the original OS, is clearly noticeable. A project for educational purpose only that allowed me to gain more experience in working with Flash-technology and especially ActionScript.
© 2001 M. Fleischer